
From one collector to another

Google's Error Message with Photos

Friends – I don’t know what to say about the error above when trying to view photos in the DeJankins store.  I have verified the URL links, the website is correctly referencing those links, the photos are there and are all shared as they have been in the past.  I will keep looking for a solution, but I don’t know how to explain this problem.  I am sorry for the inconvenience. 

Thank you for your patience!

New Lines for DeJankins!


News: DeJankins is picking up two new lines to add to its inventory of quality dinosaur collectibles for you!

First up - the Favorites Collection pieces from Kinto are in transit to DeJankins and should be here within a week or so. This includes all the original figures as well as the new 2011 Spinosaurus! Prices are looking good for these “must have” figures. The two Sauropods (Brachiosaurus and Apatosaurus) will be only $19.50 each. Spinosaurus, Tyrannosaurus, Stegosaurus and Triceratops are $13.50, Ankylosaurus $12.50, Allosaurus, Styracosaurus and Parasaurolophus $11.50, and Pachycephalosaurus, Pteranodon, Deinonychus and Plesiosaurus $10 each. 

We will get these photos up on the website soon, but until then check them out in the store. If you want any of the other items that Kinto produces, let us know. It’s very possible we could get those for you as well.

The other big news is that DeJankins is now offering the wonderful dinosaur sculptures from Sideshow Collectibles. These are beautiful, large pieces that would grace anyone’s collection. As you’ve come to expect at DeJankins, you’ll save money on these items by buying here! The Sideshow Apatosaurus - $260, V-rex - $210, Protoceratops vs. Velociraptor - $235 and Parasaurolophus herd - $270. These figures are currently available. The Stegosaurus is on pre-order status now. His cost will be $315. Contact us for details!

Mojö Dinosaurs Now Available!

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We just finished unloading the shipment of Mojö Dinosaurs here at DeJankins and are excited to start sending these your way. All of these are now available with the exception of the Deluxe Tyrannosaurus. Check out the new Mojö items at our store to purchase yours today! These figures look really nice and - as always with DeJankins - you’ll get great pieces at great prices with great service.

Mojö Dinos in the US!


Mojö Dinosaurs have finally arrived in the USA and will be here at DeJankins within a few days. There are 13 figures in this new line, including: Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops, Stegosaurus, Brachiosaurus, Parasaurolophus, Tylosaurus, Sarchosuchus, two different Velociraptors, Smilodon, Woolly Mammoth adult (deluxe), Woolly Mammoth juvenile , and Deluxe Tyrannosaurus.

Dejankins prices will run from $3.75 for the raptors and small mammoth to $17.50 for the two deluxe figures. The rest will be either $5.00 or $6.25 each. Interest has not been overwhelming, so we will only have a dozen of each figure in the first batch. Because of that, if you want these pieces, don’t wait around! If demand increases, we will likely order more.


Update on CollectA Figures: Phase 2

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Importers have been plagued with delays of the CollectA figures this year. Three delays and multiple inspections of the freight coming in with the first shipment caused several months of delays in those figures. The second phase figures were supposed to be in the US in April, but that was then pushed back to June. Three weeks ago, I was told that the pieces would be here last week or this week at the latest. It seems things have turned out differently.

I still hope for these figures to arrive soon, but don’t really know when they will be here. To compound the delay potential, I will be out of town from June 11-18. I’m hoping to have all shipments completed before going out of town, but that hinges on the figures arriving before I leave. I will update the site as soon as the package of CollectA figures arrive. I’m sorry for your wait and appreciate your patience!

First Phase Release: 2011 CollectA

The first round of the 2011 CollectA pieces has finally made it to the US distributor!  

They were delayed in shipping from China once or twice, and three times were opened, x-rayed and inspected as they came through customs and Homeland Security.  But now, the first batch of figures has arrived in the USA and should be in the DeJankins warehouse by the end of this week.

The importer cautioned that some items were shipped in reduced quantities (not sure what the reason was for that),

so it is very likely that some of these will quickly be out of stock.  

Of course, customers with outstanding orders for these figures will be served first, but at this time there are no details on which pieces will be temporarily rare.

Keep checking the store!  When the items are highlighted in the spreadsheets, that means they are here, ready and waiting for you!

© DeJankins 2013